Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trying To Be A Lot More Separated, To Be Alive.

Now I don't really bother paying any attention to those people. I wanna be alive, and how I can be is to be apart from them, the past. Just days ago, I fell in the missing feeling again and I shouldn't next time. I told myself I need them but you know what, I'm still something, even MORE without them, I can! At least that's what I believe. I'm not a doll, I'm not a robot that should get power supply from them. I'm mature enough and I should be more mature. No more thinking about the past. I'll always try to distract my mind of them. There's so much to think about other than those things. Let them be a stupid old song and later will really extinct. Besides, those people seem to be too lazy to get up, especially 3rd. Mehn, looks like that one gave up trying. I am enough of telling too, or I'm not? I can only pray for them.

Final exam today, math? I can't do much. It's a mess up! The next subjects, I don't wanna mess them up. Okay, banzai!! I don't wanna be lazy like this, c'mon get up man! But it's hard to ;p

Today I hung out at PTC with Yoko, Bobby, Grego, Jose, and Atin. We watched HP 7 Part 1. It was so great and epic! I met a lot of friends at PTC. As well as that blabbermouth guy. And he's starting to create a lie that I hate again today.. God, please give me wisdom and patience to talk with this guy. I mean, mehn he's like lying over every single things! How I hate it. I should talk wisely to him. He should be made realize the right things, really. Let everything be as good as ever.. I actually never wanna take care of this thing again, but mehn, I feel sorry for my friend.

Okay, that's all I wanna share. Adios :)

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