Wednesday, March 31, 2010


2 weeks ago until yesterday I was extremetely busied by streetdance life. There were 2 dance competitions and it's on 28 and 29 March. 28 was Vitacimin Dance Competition and 29-30 was Loop Dance Competition.

We practiced so hard and everyday we came to LM's homebase at Darmo. Since kak Sem was in Singapore, Miss_B made us the concept. Everyday. I began to socialize with LM guys. And it's so fun to be with them ^^

28th. Vitacimin Dance Competition.
We met alot of streetdancers. A WHOLE LOT OF THEM. And since it's a high schooler's competition, I met Mia Manson etc. Mia and Carla is 2 crazy freak from frateran. They would come to handsome boys and took photos with them. I got to know Fung2 (David TTP) as well. He's a great streetdancer from TTP. We took a lot of photos as streetdancers. And this is my 1st competition with AOG Crew.. And I was so excited!!
AOG Crew performed with Vitacimin jingle and Tortilla Chips concept. (I really like tortilla chips!! > <) But I didn't performed my best. I couldn't burst my power cuz I'm too concerned with details. In the end, Juju and Erick performed with crazy power and it's total black and white with me n' Ichel's power. And we din perform with such details and correct interpretation and face expression. TTP was so cool like crazy. Fanny were like real doll and Fung2 has this crazy techniques and expressions. Takupaz grabbed the 1st place, TTP 2nd, 3rd dunno, and AOG got in big 5. Next time I'll do better > < After the performance I met Betet (another AOG member) for the first time and he's a crazy guy as told and Eddie Tripleks, etc. Wowie.. Real dancer community. '-'

29-30. Loop Dance Competition.

29. We practiced before we get there and I took a shower in LM's homebase. Then we went to Loop and I see this crazy crowd of cool people and streetdancers. WOW! It's even cooler than vitacimin, ALOT COOLER. TTP came but didn't competite, Takupaz as well. Takupaz just sent their small team, Tabakar. I saw JX too and that's what makes me boiled. We performed with Take Your Shirt Off (A song from the Streakerz Crew, every crew must use this) and we did our best. I burst this power like I wanna go crazy and everyone shouted and scream for AOG Crew!! We did our best and we got the 1st place for Hip Hop Dance Competition ^^. LM guys were there to watch and my friends too. Kaz, Nina, Jan, my family, Ian. Uwahh... Great! :D

30. After school I went to GHP. And along the practice I was a little boiled with mad. And we practiced for concept (tortilla chips mixed with to the moon) and I was really confused with the locking part. I always learn bad in locking.. Uwahhh... I practiced myself a lot in locking and everyone told me to join regular class fast. Yeah I must so that I can dance with the same class as them! HuwahH!! Then we went to Loop. Not as many people as yesterday. And then AOG performed with the Tortilla chips and to the moon. I burst my power yet again in To The Moon. It was a nice concept and a killing krumper's one '-'. And then we we entered final, battling for the 1st and 2nd place. With Tabakar. We battled with them and I forgot again the locking part..arrghH!!! They're a good team with correct timing. We're lack of timing but have good skill. Whew.. And the judge put Tabakar in the 1st place. Hmm.. Nevermind!! NEXT time we'll get 1st place! Groarr~

The 3 days were fun, complex, and feels so long.. And it's really enjoyable.. ^^
But now I have to get confused with the munny. Costume, regular class, shoes. Zz.. I have to save alot from my monthly money. My parents don't really supports me in hiphop like always. They always say I'm getting more rude from hiphop. No, I'm not! And I must pay them all by myself nyaaaahh~! Must be a saving guy. Jiayou rei! I can pass thiss hiaahahaha~
AOG Crew tralala trilili cikit aye~!!!

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