Friday, April 16, 2010

Hurts Alot !

Yesterday I attended regular class and it's crazily tiring. First month is just physic exercise and it's damn heavy! The feet exercise was killin'. Now I have to walk slowly cuz it hurts alot, mostly when I have to walk down or up a stair. And I'm on 4th floor in school TT In my house as well.. It's crazy.
And after I attended regular class I went to Darmo to practice with AOG for the Venom Dance Competition tomorrow. We just added up a tutting in the venom jingle. The Tortilla chips concept is now a 5 minutes remix with Venom's jingle and To The Moon. It's a real cool concept but now, don't people get bored with it. AOG used it a lot already. Other dance crew must have known this concept.. Whatever la. I think this'll be the last time cuz another concept is in line. :) The concept where it's so hard to learn the Groovy part TT

Today a weird thing happened. I was home from school with my sister. Her BF brought us home. Then we rang the home bell. Well, no answer from inside. We rang it thousand times and yet no one opened the door. Where's this Mbak Vonny? Vodka already barked loud. Hell, then we started to think maybe she went to the market, or even collapsed inside! Then my sis's BF dropped us at Savoury, and he went to search for our maid in market. Then me and my sis bought some breads, and then we walked back to our house. Kojon (my sis's BF) then told us that Mbak Vonny isn't anywhere in the market. Then I decided to climb our gate. Yeah I did. And then when I entered, the door is locked. Then my sis wanted to climb too, but she used skirt. Then I gave her my pants and I wore nothing =_=" But I was in the back of my gate so no one would see. Then when she started to wear my pants I laughed crazily cuz she looked like SMK girls XD Then she put it off and gave it back to me. She din climb. Then Kojon told us he'll take us to my cousin's house so we'll be save and can solve this peculiar thing. Then I climbed back out. And my sis tried to ring the bell again and.. Mbak Vonny came out!! What the heck? And my sis is goin' mad so I told her not to be too harsh to Mbak Vonny cuz she's still 14 y o, younger than me. We asked Mbak Vonny why din she open the door and she said she's in her room , but din hear anything. The 2nd time we asked, she said she was watching TV upstairs and din hear anything! Hey, the bell's speaker and the TV is just steps away and the bell shud be heard. Then I went upstairs, turned on the TV. The sound is already low. My sis rang the bell and it's loud and should be her. And my sis slammed the door too, which was what I did when I first climbed in my house. And they're two loud sounds. But why? Why did she fool us? Then we started to suspect she brought someone inside the house, since my mom and dad is in Guangzhou. So my sis watched the 1st floor. There's clearly no one. I grabbed a knife, a hell sharp one and put it inside my pocket. (Rei the cold blooded murderer is in action..Hahahaha) Then I checked all parts of 2nd floor, except for her room and the roof room. I din get the chance to cuz she's inside her room. Then I got went to my room with all of the knife in house (I was afraid she'll give the knife to someone she (maybe) brought inside and hurt me.. =_=) and I get my door opened a little so I can watch outside. But later I got sleepy and I told my sis to get the house key with her so no one can escape and I told her to lock her room. I locked my room too and I slept. Whew.. I'll tell my mom and dad about this. She's outta mind. Scary.

Tomorrow is Venom Dance Competition day. Great. My friends will be there to watch.. Nice! I've expected this from them for along time.. ^^ Thanks guys you're the best! I'll burst my power and details now.. Streetdancers, set your soul to the music. Get the beat and dance! Let's show everyone what we got.. Streetdancers, show your own style.. >:)

6 Post-a-comment:

クラウン ミッキー said...

haha you do the right thing Rei
checked all the room and make sure that no stranger on your house

housemaid was really brave today
my former housemaid ever did a date with an handyman on my house when all member of my family were out...

Damn it...
what is she thinking about..
my house isn't a park for a date
thanks God my mom had fired her

anyway gud luck on the competition :)

レ イ said...

yup, they are.
Wow, really?
They did *** in your house too??

I once had a maid like that too.
But she's gone like yours.

won't you support to PTC?

クラウン ミッキー said...

hmm i don't know
but maybe they did... wkwkkw

coz i think usually handyman has a big desire, and a housemaid is easy to be seduced by them haha

wow you had it too...
yeah better if she was gone
it so dangerous when that kind of person keeping our house

umm i don't know...
PTC is so far far away from my house... (my house near GM)

but i still don't have a plan for tomorrow... maybe i will come but can't promise it :)

btw what time that competition start ?

レ イ said...


the competition started at 3 yesterday.
so, did you come?

クラウン ミッキー said...

sorry, i didn't come yesterday :(
i really want to see your dance but unfortunately my dad prohibited me to come to west part of Surabaya coz of a driving rain.

He was afraid that my car gonna broke down if there was a flood in front of Vida.

so how was the competition?

レ イ said...


yesterday was raining =o

we grabbed the 6th place outta 10..
guess we're not really ready.
we registered just yesterday so we din know that the term is to put indonesian music in the remix.
so we performed with fully hip hop western songs.
Nevermind lar~
Next time should be more prepared.