Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Obvious Now.

Yesterday had fun with Mia and the whole crew.
We placed the 3rd place, with embarrassment from UK Petra.
Congratz for Fratz and Frix, you were sooo cool and entertaining!!

If I take a look in my previous videos (they're in my FB lo ^^), from my first dance competition (UC Cup), Worm Performance @ KKR Paskah with the new videos.. They're totally different. The difference is really clear. Not detail to detail, nervous to not nervous, no totality to totality, half power to power. It's getting better from every aspects :) I used to put this in my mind, "Everyone's skill will not get better. It's like that since the first time and depending on born-talent the most." But now I know it's wrong. It's obvious now..
Everyone is getting better from their EFFORTS.

Well, after knowing I get better I won't be satisfied. I'll try and keep hard working to be a better and better STREETDANCER.. ^^

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