Monday, December 21, 2009

Finally, I Let It Out.

" Full of regrets, full of shy, full of stupidity, full of guilt, full of anger, full of everything.. "

Wen I let out everything in my head, everything that makes me so mad at S2, my hands and body were shaking. I was really angry. All the things that S2 forbid me, S2 do it. And I was really mad wen S2 makes every different opinions and offense to my feeling. It really made me feel so in a cage.

Now it's over, and I promised to myself I won't ever bring anything like this up again.. I hope S2 understands. S2 do the thing I don't like to protect me from people's bad talks. So do I. [If S2 understand..] It just seems so hard to make S2 know S2's mistake.. All S2 do seems to have its own reason. Which S2 never talks about wif me. And that only makes things worse to think that S2's always right and it's ok if S2 do anything S2 don't like me to do..
Don't wanna think anymore........................
I HaTe EveRythINg rYt nOw

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